• News
  • 14 March, 2013

Google X Labs have a Secret Project that requires ‘Moonshot Thinking’

google x labs moonshot thinking

The brains behind Google Glass, and cars that can drive themselves, might be taking things to the next level. Google X Labs is a secret part of Google where they conjure up some pretty spiffy stuff. At SXSW, Google Lab’s Astro Teller told the audience that they are ready to reveal a new discovery in the next month or so. Time travel?

So Google Labs is doing what they call “moonshot thinking”. We have no idea what that entitles, but it sounds awe-inspiring. They are basically out to blow our minds, and Teller mentioned how hundreds and hundreds of ideas pass through Google X Labs, but only a couple see reality. There is a chance this might be something that is so small, yet it will be the one thing we were missing in our lives. There is also a chance that a flippin’ hoverboard might hover its way out of the labs. That is what I am hoping for. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Techno Buffalo