• News
  • 4 October, 2012

Hey iOS 6 Users…Google Maps to the Rescue Bringing Street View to your Mobile Browser

This post goes out to my iPhone friends (because I have so many), Google Maps is going to help out that Apple Maps debacle. You can now access street view when using Google Maps through your mobile browser. Remember Tim Cook, Apple CEO himself, said that you guys should use alternative maps while they struggle to make Apple Maps what it should be. Google has come to your resume. See, Google is not as bad as you think.

Starting today, you can now access street view through the mobile browser platform, so you can get that somewhat ambience from that restaurant you are looking for. I am sure everyone reading this knows what street view consists of. This post is kind of another poke at iOS 6. We have all had fun hearing about Apple’s “successful failure” of iOS 6. I say successful failure, because even though the Maps failed miserably and iOS 6 being a bit sub par, iPhone users still flocked to get the iPhone 5, or downloaded the update as soon as it hit their phones. So if you want to get street view on your phone, simply got to maps.google and click the pegman icon. Does not get any easier than that. You can also bookmark the site on your phone so it is just like having a decent working map app on your phone. Just as Apple intended it. Feel free to poke fun Android friends.

Source: Google.blogspot.com