• News
  • 11 April, 2010

Hollywood Shows Some Love To The G1

In a recent movie trailer from the movie “Dinner with Schmucks” directed by Jay Roach (Meet the Parents and Austin Powers) starring Paul RuddG1 featured in Schmucks Trailerand Steve Carell also starring the G1 (shown above) set to be released in a few weeks could be just a coincidence or a secret push for the Android OS. Let’s just hope the director or production designer of this film is not rocking an Apple iPhone or iPad but the latest in Android technology showing love on the “big screen” to the father of Android devices everywhere. As we all know , Hollywood has plugged all types of products and/or ideas to the mainstream. Is this the latest in the Apple vs. Android saga or is this just a strange coincidence?

Check YouTube for the full trailer and keep in mind, AndroidStory.com does not endorse texting while driving,  Stay Safe!