
HOWTO: Fix Low FPS for Flash Player on your ASUS Transformer

No likes a stuttering video, especially when it is on a device that shouldn’t have any issues at all. There is a work around now available for all ASUS Transformers that will solve and significantly improve your FPS in the stock browser and Dolphin HD. Thanks to some work by XDA member, Roach2010.

I have come up with a solution for low fps in the Browser when viewing Adobe Flash videos.

The problem is that some devices somehow end up with a missing file that the Browser uses to talk to Flash Player. In my case if I clear the Browser data and reinstall the latest version of Flash Player from the market the config file does not get recreated.


I don’t yet know what circumstances have led to the file not being created when flash is installed and why it seems to be generated on some roms but not others.

What I do know is that after adding this file, Flash starts working again in the Browser at 30fps.

If you only get 9-10 fps with the youtube speed test video then give this a try and report your findings in here.

If this works for you here’s a link to some awesome videos from the guys who directed the batelco infinity video some of you may have seen.

Opera seems to still be laggy but this works for the Stock Browser and Dolphin HD

Flash this in CWM recovery or push the file manually.

The overall process is pretty simple and can make a work of difference in your viewing experience. If you have been stuck on some seriously slow FPS, head over to Roach2010’s XDA Thread for the appropriate file for your browser.

Source: XDAÂ