
HTC and Texas Instruments Join the List of Android Barbecue Sponsors

A huge announcement came this afternoon stating that HTC, the handset manufacturer of the G1, has officially joined the rapidly growing list of sponsors for the Android Barbecue which will be taking place at Fiesta Gardens in Austin, TX. As everyone should already know, the event will kick off its activities on Friday, October 1st leading up to the barbecue on Sunday the 3rd.

HTC sponsoring the event is huge, as their device was the world’s first consumer encounter with the Android OS.  HTC continues to bring new and innovative Android devices to the world, through the many wireless networks. The Android Barbecue is an event where 1,000 members of the Android community will come together and celebrate the birth of Android and with support from the manufacturers who have helped make this all possible, we’re sure that the many fans, developers, vendors, etc…in attendance will have a memorable and exciting experience.

Texas Instruments, which supplies those OMAP processors we hear so much about, have also joined the sponsor list that includes Samsung Mobile USA, Big Japan, The Wip Connector and Blockbuster as they all care to show support for the rapidly growing Android community.

If you haven’t already purchased your ticket to the biggest Android event of the year, you can do so at for just $25. You might want to hurry before it sells out. Prizes will be awarded throughout the weekend during games and other fun events. The prizes include Android devices, tablets, Blu Ray Players, BlueTooth devices and much more.

Via: AndroidBarbecue

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