
Ice Cream Sandwich SDK port booted and running on Nexus One

Another SDK port of Ice Cream Sandwich has just surfaced on YouTube this morning. This time it has been ported over to the original Nexus One. We all assume that Google will do everything in their power to push an official update out to both previous Nexus devices. Most likely the Nexus S will receive an update before the N1 does. This port is riddled with many of the same issues that the others are dealing with mainly video decoding, audio is iffy and Wi-Fi is broken. The list of things that don’t work is dramatically longer than the list of things that do.

As you can see in the video below, it is up and running. By the time they get a full SDK version of ICS out in the wild the AOSP source will become available. That is when the real fun begins. When the AOSP is released we should start to see ICS ROMs popping up all over the place for a high majority of our devices. Be sure to keep an eye out here and on CommunityRelease for ROMs when they start to pop up. We will do our best to get some up for every device we can find it for. Don’t forget, if you register at CommunityRelease you can follow your specific device and receive email alerts when a new or update ROM surfaces.