
Ice Cream Sandwich styled Weatherlove app available in the Play Store

We know Beautiful Widgets is currently on sale for only $1.29. Which is a bargain for what the application can provide for the users. You might not be in the market to commit to an app like that long term though. Free is always a great price for many users and who could pass up a weather/clock app that gives you the Ice Cream Sandwich look and feel.

Weatherlove was recently added to the market by tfsolutions on March11th. It offers the traditional 4×4, 4×2, 4×1 ans 2×1 on screen widgets. Each gives you a different view from a clock weather combo to 3-day forecast. The app currently uses Google for weather data but they plan to add other services in the near future. They currently support 5 languages and are taking requests and offering to let people translate the app to their own language. It is currently labeled as a beta in both the market and on XDA, with a pro version emerging in the future as the app progresses in features and development. So far it looks really nice, take a look.

What do you think? Feel free to to head to the Play Store by clicking or scanning the QR below to pickit up and give it a try for yourself.

Application: Weatherlove
Developer: tfsolutions
Cost: FREE