
Ingress updates to v1.22.0 with improvements and mention Support

I am not one of those people who could get myself involved in the world of Ingress. I gave it whirl in my area and there just wasn’t much happening. The fact that when I leave the house I am set on a specific task that I wouldn’t even think to open the game was also a problem. However, I do know there are a ton of you Ingress-ers out there that have meetings, tackle portals as groups and have a darn good time doing it. NianticLabs@Google has pushed out an update to the game that has swept the globe.

The update moves Ingress to version 1.22.0 and includes various bug fixes, like a better GPS location fix. It also has some performance improvements as well. Most notably though, is the @<codename> mention support in COMM.  I am sure that is something that is pretty useful to some of you out there.

Hit the Play Store and snag your update at your leisure.

Ingress – Play Store Link