
Kernel source dropped by Samsung for the Galaxy Tab 7.7

Not very often do we see source dropped before a device is even released. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen though. Samsung has just recently released the kernel source for the still unreleased Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7. This tablet was seen back in September but has no official launch day anywhere. With source being released though, the device should be launching relatively soon. With CES just around the corner and many manufacturers saving some announcements for the event, I am sure we will find out what the deal is with the Tab 7.7 soon.

With the device being out of the lime light for a while, I am sure a brief reminder on what it is all about wouldn’t hurt.

  • 1280X800 Super AMOLED Plus display
  • 1.4GHz dual-core Exynos processor
  • Front and rear cameras
  • Currently on Honeycomb 3.2, but scheduled for ICS update
  • A 5,100mAh battery
  • Wi-Fi channel bonding :150Mbps
  • TouchWiz UX interface
  • Makes and receives calls as well

It sounds like a pretty sweet tablet with many improvements across the boards. We are really excited to get our grubby little fingers on it next week. Keep your eyes peeled for more information from us about it soon.

until then, you can grab the kernel source below and start poking around. Let us know about any interesting things you find.

Download - Wi-Fi Galaxy Tab 7.7 kernel source code

Download - 3G Galaxy Tab 7.7 kernel source code

Source: AndroidPolice