• News
  • 18 November, 2013

[Video] Leisure Suit Larry wallpapers on the way, a new contest and some Fun

Some of you might have been able to tune in to our first ever live On-Air Hangout this evening, others of you might not have. We had a great opportunity to have a chat with Al Lowe, the mind behind Leisure Suit Larry and Paul Trowe, CEO and founder of Replay Games who brought Larry back to the masses. We poked some fun, had some laughs, learned a few things and announced a couple of winners for the give-away that we started last week. Congrats to those guys.

Among the things we learned, there will be another game coming. What it will be, we will have to wait and see. While Paul really wanted to tell us, Al wouldn’t let him. I thought it would end up the other way around. We did find out that very soon there will some Leisure Suit Larry wallpapers and even some ringtones headed out the door and to your phones. So if Al can pass an Age Verification test (1:25), the next upcoming game (19:20) Al’s favorite musicians (25:24), Al’s current game of choice (32:55), their experience with Austin Wintory, the music composer (30:30) and a whole lot more in between.

We don’t want to ruin all the goodies and fun with words though, so grab a drink and kick back for the next 46 minutes and see what happens when you put AndroidStory, AndroidHeadline, DroidGamers and Techaeris in a Hangout with Al Lowe and Paul Trowe. Pay extra close attention for the second give-away (40:21) that was also revealed.


I know we had a good time and so did everyone else. You know what the deal is on the give-away. So go pick up the game via the link below. Better follow directions or you won’t have a chance to win.

Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded Play Store Link