
[Live Wallpaper] Fresh Leaves – Give your HD screen something to show Off

I may not be personally a fan of live wallpapers, but I know many of you are. While cruising around YouTube and the Play Store last night I came across one that blew my mind. The developers behind it,, have created quite a few live wallpapers like Ice Galaxy and Shadow Galaxy. While those are stunning space themed live wallpapers, I feel they have really outdone themselves with their latest creation. The newest addition to their line up is called Fresh Leaves. With it brings the feeling of a tranquil spring time setting.

The LWP offers this stunning group of leaves hanging from tree branches across your screen. As you change screen on you device the leaves rotate and give you a different perspective. The leaves also appear to be fluttering a little in the wind. In the settings you can find a variety of options to adjust to your liking. You will have a few background options to choose from that appears behind the leaves, you can adjust the background speed, turn the background on or off and turn the leaves on or off too.

I would have a hard time recommending this to someone with a lower end to mid range phone. I would say somthing along the lines of the Note, Galaxy Nexus or the HTC One series would be perfect devices to use this on. You want to take full advantage of that stunning HD screen to really make this LWP pop. Below you can find a rather long preview video where the developers go through all the various backgrounds and settings to show how smooth and fluid it is. Check it out.

It really is gorgeous isn’t it? The only thing that would take this from awesome to stellar would be if the backgrounds changed according to your weather and the leaves changed according to seasons. If you feel like picking it up and giving your device something to show off and to make those rainy days a little brighter, click or scan the usual QR code below.

Application: Fresh Leaves
Cost: $0.99