
Logitech Revue Boxes Getting A Taste Of Honeycomb Finally

So it is looking like Logitech Revue box owners will be getting the nice little Honeycomb update starting this evening. The Sony Google TV boxes got their update about a month ago, so thankfully Logitech users will get a taste of Android 3.1 goodness which makes me happy because I just got a box tonight.

After playing with the new box I just got this evening, I was pretty satisfied with all it had to offer. I have never really dealt with Google TV that much, so it was all kind of a learning experience for me. I am enjoying how you can link it up with your cable box, and go from live TV to applications like YouTube or Pandora. With that, I am pretty excited to get this update. It is going to be pretty awesome to access the Android Market and taste some sweet Honeycomb deliciousness. If you have not gotten your update yet, don’t worry. As usual, these updates take a little bit to get out there so keep an eye out for it.

Source: Engadget