
So long @evleaks, and thanks for all the Leaks

@evleaksOne man has made reporting technology leaks very interesting the last two years, and that man is @evleaks. @evleaks, who’s real name is Evan Blass, has been a reputable source of leaks for all technology media and has played a big part in hyping up (and sometimes the opposite) devices that have yet to be announced. Unfortuantely, Blass has made the decision to hang up his boots and today took to Twitter to announce his retirement, which is fitting seeing as this is where most of his leaks have been posted:

Blass also took the time to do an interview with The Next Web (which you can read here) to say a few last words in the limelight, saying his favourite leak was for the HTC One M8 Prime for the beauty of the concept, despite the fact the device is reportedly canned. Blass also mentions that now that he is stepping away from leaking, he’s going to try and get back to enjoying devices. Blass has had an unspeakable impact on tech media and even tech companies over the last two years, so we just want to say: so long @evleaks, and thanks for all the leaks.

Source: Twitter, The Next Web via Android Police