
LucidLogix technologies will give the Samsung Galaxy S5 up to 25% better battery Life

lucidlogixMany of you who saw the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S5 would have seen a battery-saving technology demoed that allows the screen of the device to turn black and white and results in a large increase in battery life. Along with this technology, however, Samsung has said that the Galaxy S5 also has 3 more battery saving measures built into it, all courtesy of LucidLogix.

These measures include Lucid’s Xtend features: NavExtend, WebExtend, and GamExtend, all of which affect a different part of the Galaxy S5’s functionality giving an overall better battery life. As the names may suggest, NavExtend works on extending battery life during use with navigation features like GPS, WebExtend extends battery life during web surfing by up to 25%, and GamExtend cuts down battery consumption during processor intensive activities like gaming. As you can see, all these little things will add up to huge gains in battery life for the Galaxy S5; who said the Galaxy S5 wasn’t innovative?

I guess we won’t know exactly how good these battery saving features are until the device gets formally reviewed, but it’s definitely going to be an interesting test of its abilities. Who’s more intrigued by the Galaxy S5 after hearing the news about its battery saving features? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Fudzilla via SamMobile