
Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour gets reloaded, hits Play Store with full MOGA Support at Launch

Looks like Gameloft got all their issues with the latest installment of Modern Combat all figured out. It hit for just a few hours the other day ans was promptly removed. It has since returned to the Play Store, but doe have a few instruction that one might need to follow in order to pick it up.

If you have experienced trouble downloading the game (error 941), please try the following:
1) Try waiting for 60-90 min; due to the size of the game, the data download may take some time to initiate.
2) Try clearing data and the cache in the application settings of the Google Play app (re-login will be required in Google Play).
The situation should improve within the next 24 hours. If the problem persists, please contact our Customer Care department at

Note: The “purchase” icon might make you think you have been charged several times, but please check your emails as you normally should have received an order cancellation notification. If you have received multiple receipts and no order cancellation, please contact Customer Care at

Not necessarily a good way to start off, but it is better than nothing. While the relaunch of the game is pretty exciting all by its self, there is some even bigger news that some might enjoy a bit more. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour was built from the ground up with the MOGA Mobile Gaming System in mind. From my recent experience with MOGA I can tell you that this really excites me. You can all expect a full MOGA review tagging along with Modern Combat 4 in the next few days. Right now I will patiently sit and wait for it download so I can give it a shot.

For all the rest of you that have been waiting patiently for Modern Combat 4 to land again, then click or scan the QR code below and get to downloading. Be sure you are on a Wi-Fi connection and that you have a few hours of time to kill while it downloads.

Application: Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour
Developer: Gameloft
Cost: $6.99