
MOTO Droid Pro Coming Cameraless for Security Sensitive Employees

With high security jobs abound through out the world and technology jumping leaps and bounds, some people just don’t get to enjoy the spoils of current devices. I remember when I worked at T-Mobile I spoke to many people that couldn’t wait to buy a G1, but since it had a camera they always had to swap their SIMs in the morning to a silly little flip phone for work.

Looks like Motorola and Verizon have acknowledged this little market issue and have a Droid Pro available for consumers that aren’t allowed to have a camera on their phone at work. This is great news for those of who who are in those positions.  “The new Enterprise-focused DROID phone without a camera” is aimed at the corporate/government employees that deal with highly sensitive material daily.  Finally no more switching SIM’s or playing on your kids’ phones for your daily Android fix.

Source: Engadget