
Moto G LTE and Moto G Ferrari variants look like they’re on their way Soon

Moto G LTE and Moto G FerrariOne of the primary pitfalls of the Moto G despite being the best budget Android smartphone on the market is the fact that it doesn’t have 4G LTE support. While this isn’t particularly an issue in some regions, or even for some customers, it’s undeniable that having 4G would make the Moto G by far the best option for accessing LTE speeds on a budget. Thankfully though, with the the Moto G LTE and Moto G Ferrari variants, it looks like Motorola may be readying a version with that capability, as well as a marquee branded version.

In terms of hardware, it looks like the Moto G LTE won’t be changing that much (see the hardware specs here), only that the updated processor will give the device LTE capability and only be offered as a 16GB model. The Moto G Ferrari is a bit more of a rumour, with no specific details given about the hardware configuration, however it is likely the device would come with a Ferrari emblazoned red back cover. It’s red so it should go faster right? This won’t be the first time that Motorola has teamed with Ferrari who also collaborated to bring you the Motorola i867 Ferrari (below).

Moto G LTE and Moto G FerrariWhat do you think about the Moto G LTE and Moto G Ferrari? Would you get either of these phones? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Xataka via Phone Arena (1), (2)