
[New Product] Connect-A-Cord, Joy In A Box

You ever pull out the good old extension cord and find your self just a little shy?  Wish there was a way to make  sure you have just what you need in terms of length…with your extension cords?  I know I do.  Here is your chance, get yourself or someone you love, hate, or just want to screw with the Connect-A-Cord.  Easy to use, conveniently designed in 1 foot increments (and a handy carrying case) so you always know you’ve got just what  you’re going to need.  I bet Russ on National Lampoons Christmas Vacation wished Clark had this when he was handed the giant ball of tangle, LOL.  

Proudly brought to you by the gracious individuals over at 30Watt, we present to you, Connect-A-Cord.

With 50 separate cords, the configurations are endless and hassle free. Tangled cords are a thing of the past. Connect-A-Cord even comes with an optional contractor case for easy, tangle-free storage.

“Connecting 50, one-foot cords to reach an electrical outlet doesn’t sound like an ideal extension cord, but it sounds like a great prank gift box,” says Arik Nordby, Creative Director at 30 Watt. “The product is fake, but the box looks like the real deal.”

Yes, yes, this is a joke.  And a damn good on at that.  You should head on over to their site and check out the rest of their great packaging ideas, guaranteed to have something there to fit almost everyone in your life in one way or another.  I already have the one picked out for my boss, he’s an iSheep, so I’ll let you take it from there.  Check them out at PrankPack, and if you receive one of these awesome boxes remember to bow your head after your display of disgust and say…Prank You.  LOL.  Take gift giving this year to a whole new level, the level of screwing with the ones you love.  They’ll thank you for it later.  
