
New to Android Browser – App Search?

You know how everyone is complaining about the Market and how Google needs to make some serious changes in order to keep people from wanting to use other Market Alternatives? I do. In fact, I’m one of the complainers. It’s in dire need of a change, and that was one of the things we were promised in the Gingerbread update alongside the Web Market. The details so far have been pretty sketchy, but with the Gingerbread Man at the Googleplex, we’re bound to start seeing stuff soon right? Check it out!

Discovered this evening by my friend and Don of the Android Mafia, @droidhead_ryan, you can head to your Android browser and go to From there, select the more button and one of the options is Android Apps. You can search for anything that is on the Android Market, and when you find something you like you click the link and it takes you over to your Android Market to install. Very simple, and very integrated. It’s faster than searching in the Market has ever been for me. If this is a sign of things to come, the Market for Gingerbread is going to ROCK.