
News: Verizon and Nexus One

About a week ago at the CTIA event, Verizon disappointed many customers when they failed to announce the Nexus One as its newest device. Even more disappointment was felt when the carrier failed to even hint at a possible release date that was more certain than a vague “Spring 2010”.

Yesterday some news came down the pipe that may change that. For a few people that checked the Nexus One site yesterday there was apparently the option “to buy for $199 plus the relevant contractual shackles”. With a leaked photo that could have easily been created using minimal photo skills and MS Paint, there is a lot of talk about whether the phone is actually coming… and coming soon.

Along with the release date that is now rumored to happen “by the end of next week”, there is also talk from a highly reputable source for Engadget that the phone is indeed coming as well as a “surprise”. The source did not go into to detail on the surprise, but I am eager to learn what it is. Possibilities that I have come across include, FM Radio, HTC Sense, actual world phone capabilities, and full flash support.

In any case, the phone is definitely wanted and the desire for the phone that seemed to have died down after the CTIA letdown just turned around. Take note that also, in the picture there seems to be an option just is just barely covered up that has support for three 3G/UTMS bands as well as four GSM radio frequencies.

[Sources – Engadget, Android Central, Nexus One order site]