
Only 2% of Americans upgrade their smartphones when a new model comes out

If you’re reading this post, you’re likely already part of a very unique cross-section of smartphone owners - specifically, Android owners. Many of us like to have the latest and greatest whenever it is available, and as it turns out, we might be part of a particularly small minority. According to statistics gathered by Gallup, only 2% of Americans upgrade their smartphones when a new model becomes available – the other two options being upgrading when their contract is up (40% for Android) and upgrading when your current phone is broken or completely outdated (58% for Android).

2% of Americans upgrade their smartphonesWe’re not completely surprised to see that a large percentage of Android owners only upgrade when their contract is up, however seeing the percentage of owners not upgrading until it’s absolutely necessary makes me surprised the contract group isn’t much larger. Of course, we would do well to remember that this is only the case in America given its market structure, so you might see varying differences in different countries depending on their market, average wealth, etc etc. Having said that, it’s still interesting to see how things really go down in the marketplace.

What do you think about the statistics presented in this report? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Forbes via Phandroid