
Opera Max cutting data usage up to half across multiple Apps

Opera Max Beta Opera Max Beta
Data speeds, data usage, data caps and the likes are always a top concern for smartphone users across the globe. While plenty of us pay the extra for unlimited plans, even some of those have limiters at a certain usage point, others still pay smaller fees for smaller packages. There are a number of browsers out there that have gone the extra mile to help cut back on data usage while still keeping your pages loading fast. Google has even implemented it more recently and then there was always Opera.

Opera would take the web page request and render it on a server and effectively deliver you the same web page, but more in a snapshot file size. The page wouldn’t look any different, but it would load faster and use less data. Opera Software ASA has been working on helping to cut down the data usage across the boards and in all apps with a current beta app called Opera Max.

Opera Max Data Savings 2 Opera Max Data Savings

Opera Max has been in a closed beta since late last year and has, apparently, been well received by the lucky few that have been testing it out. The new app will be free for users to install to their respective devices and will help you cut up to 50% of your data usage across multiple apps you use on a regular basis. The screenshots they are currently showcasing offers up a brief look at the ap and its saving potential across apps like Dropbox, Vine, Drive, Chrome and Instagram. Essentially any app that isn’t an encrypted app can benefit from the use of Opera Max.

The final screenshot on the beta in the Play Store does show where the ‘free’ aspect runs out. After the beta period you will have three options to choose from to keep the cloud savings enabled. Eiter watch ads in the app, Watch an ad as soon as you run out of “charge” or pay $1 a month to remove ads entirely. Not exactly sure how you can “run out of saving” or why you would need to “charge” up. I assume you have to set, or given, a maximum amount of data savings per month though.

Opera Max Beat Paying

Still, a buck a month or watching some ads to cut down your data usage isn’t really all that terrible of a thing really. You can head to the Play Store and install the Opera Max Beta right now, but space is limited and people aren’t being let in on the Opera servers for the service in mass quantities. It is better to be on the waitlist and get in sooner to test it out though. We are 1407th in line to try it out ourselves. Hit up the Play Store badge below to go grab the app. Be sure to open it once so it can register you on the list.

Get it on Google Play