Time to upgrade?

The increasing number of new phones running Android have lead us to a point where some apps require newer software and hardware in order to work...

That’s just sad…

So you may have been following my articles about Google vs. Apple. Well I’m starting see a pattern here, Google does something productive with their time...

MOTSPLIT ugly or Interesting?

Well Motorola does it again aiming lower than the droid :-|.  As for specs ” The specifications are slightly different than previously posted. The MOTOSPLIT uses...

Seesmic Allows Multiple Accounts!

A recent update to Seesmic for Twitter on the android platform has brought us the use of multiple accounts and a few other fixes. Heres a...

C&D to Eugene Fake!

If you have been reading and following our stories, you would have read that the android developer Eugene received a C&D letter from Google. It has...

Google Store View?

Is google working on store view on google maps? Well these pictures lead toward yes. When questioned about these new experiments Google had this to say: “We are...