HTC tablet on hold

Android isn’t the only OS that Google has created, but it’s the only one HTC is focused on. During CES rumors abounded which suggested HTC and...

Adobe Flash 10.1

Adrian Ludwig demos video and animation on the BBC, The New York Times, and Angry Alien websites on Android using the Motorola Droid Looks very interesting...

Moto Droid 2.1 Update

If you are on Verizon’s network and you have Moto Droid, this should be exciting news to you! As you may or may not know yet...

droid does…

Smart phones have always had my attention, weather its a BlackBerry, Palm, iPhone or Android. My father on the other hand always said a phone is a...

Hilarious Nexus One Ad

As we all know, Google gave some Youtube channel partners free Nexus One phones to create a user made ad for the phone. So far the...