
Physical Update available for the Motorola XOOM, starting Today

This is some rather interesting news that I missed yesterday. Motorola and Verizon will be offing all of its Motorola XOOM owners a free hardware upgrade from the mediocre 3G to 4G/LTE support. This is the first time I have personally seen anything like this before. The only downside is you will have to part ways with your device for about a week in order to obtain it.

The six-day waiting time frame might be just a little to long for some, but think about what you are getting in the end. You should she a dramatic improvement in download speeds, somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 to 12 mbps and between 2 and 5 mbps upload speeds. You won’t be losing 3G coverage entirely, the hardware update will still support 3G when 4G is not available.

The upgrade is only available for owners of the XOOM on the Verizon network, no changes to the WiFi only model are available. If this is the first you are ever hearing about this and own XOOM, head over Verizon’s XOOM site for full instructions. The real question at hand is are you willing to part with your XOOM for a few days to get the extra speed? It’s a tough call. Let us know if you plan to take advantage of this free upgrade or not.

Source: TheDroidGuy