
Pick up an ICS themed Google Search box for your Device

We all know there are plenty of themes out there that offer oodles of Ice Cream Sandwich love. Sadly, they require some sort of custom launchers, ROM or modification to enjoy them. On the other side of the coin you have some stock users out there that are looking to get a little bit of a new look on their device. App developer Roberto Orgiu has gone and taken a simple just one element that a high majority of us use, the Google Search box, and themed it up to look like ICS.

That is really all there is to it. Not much else for me to explain or talk about, it is a themed search box. If you have been looking for just a taste or even just a change this is a good looking widget to add to your collection.

Thanks to a twitter friend of ours – @joey_ufc – we were alerted that this widget is sadly not sized correctly qHD displays. Thanks for the heads up!

Application: Tiwiz ICS Search Bar
Developer: Roberto Orgiu
Cost: FREE