
Popcap announces Plants vs Zombies 2, releases teaser trailer

Plants vs Zombies 2

In a move that surprises no one except for how long it’s taken to make it, Popcap has announced the sequel to it’s smash-hit game, Plants vs Zombies. Not much has been divulged regarding the gameplay itself, instead all we have is this teaser trailer of people including the likes of Angry Francis and Major Nelson questioning the existence and likelihood of Plants vs Zombies 2. Have a look at the teaser trailer below.

The trailer really does capture the sentiment that everyone is surprised that its taken so long for Popcap to announce the sequel for a game that clearly deserves one. In the same token, I am interested to see how Popcap innovates from the original as it was already a pretty streamlined and enjoyable experience.

Plants vs Zombies 2 is slated for a July release. Judging by the platform releases of Plants vs Zombies, one would expect that the PC and Mac versions would release first with iOS and Android version being ported some time after.

Excited by this news, or are you over it? Let us know below.
