
Put your Android device to work with Android for Work

It’s been coming for a long time, but the time has finally come for Android for Work to come into the light. For those who don’t know, Android for Work is Google‘s corporate solution and the app that was released today will allow you to effectively run two versions of the same apps, one for work and one for all other times - they’re kept separately, under lock and key, so that work and play don’t end up mixing. You can effectively lock away all facets of your personal life so that you don’t end up mixing up your emails and accidentally send everyone compromising photos of yourself (completely hypothetically).

This has been a historical weakness in the Android ecosystem with iOS and BlackBerry devices owning the lion’s share of devices used in corporate settings, but Google’s likely hoping that Android for Work will eventually evolve into a ecosystem that more companies will adopt now or in the future. If that’s your cup of tea, IT managers especially, you can find out more at Google’s Android for Work pages or check out the app which we’ve linked below.

What do you think of Android for Work? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Google