
Qualcomm Smart Project will feature on Snapdragon 820 to halt malware attacks

Qualcomm has been very proactive lately in trying to secure devices with its hardware inside and the benefit of Qualcomm’s solutions are that they done in the device, not in the cloud as other solutions attempt. Their latest attempt at this is the Qualcomm Smart Project which will feature in the Snapdragon 820 in an attempt to stop malware ever getting a hold on your device. Thanks to the Zeroth machine learning technology on Qualcomm’s new processor, Qualcomm Smart Protect will be able to not only figure out what malware has infected the device, but also whether it has changed form based on a known database. Check out Qualcomm’s video describing its new technology:

Malware has shown itself to be one of the primary growing threats to mobile platforms and having hardware manufacturers on board trying to combat it will go a long way to making our devices safer and more secure. While the Snapdragon 820 is shaping up to be a performance beast, it’s always nice to know that it has the security credentials to match too.

What do you think about Qualcomm Smart Project? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Qualcomm via TalkAndroid