
[Quick Look][Game] ShipCombat – Who Doesn’t Love Battleship?

The days of placing colored pegs in ships and boards has been over for quite a while. The Battleship game and the many revamps of it have been out in digital form for quite a while now, so why stop now?

ShipCombat comes in as another rendition of the classic game we all loved/love. It’s not bloated with all these extra settings and fancy addons, it’s just straight to the point blow the hell of out your opponent fun. Click start game and your ship positions will be presented to you. Unlike the original games however, you can not manually move the ships, although you do have a handy shuffle button that will arrange the ships until you’re satisfied with their positions. You are also given the option for the size of your fleet which can range from the normal 5 ships to 10.

Game play is simple after your fleet is set hit start, and you be presented with your battlefield and a cross hair. Move the cross hair to a square to begin your assault. The computer fires back rather quickly, and accurately I might add, as if to already know where your ships are making it rather challenging.Of course the goal is blowing up your opponents ships with accuracy.

High scores can be submitted online, and will show you your current rank among other players. At the moment I’m ranked 5 although I haven’t invested much time in the game. You can get the game from the Android market for free, and a download link has been included below. Give a spin, feel free to knock me down a few spots. =P

Summary and Downloads:

Application: ShipCombat
Cost: FREE