
Reading is FUN, duh! -Exploring Google eBooks on Android!

As far as I’m concerned, the only thing my Android mobile can’t do is wash my clothes..oh, and maybe button my shirt. That said, I don’t know why, until recently, I’d totally neglected to use Google’s eBooks app on my phone. I mean, why carry around 12 ounces of paperback, when you already carry your phone around and it fits snuggly in the back pocket of your 501’s (kidding, if you’re wearing 501’s, you probably don’t even have an Android device…but I’m sure that Motorola RAZR you’ve got works just fine, lol). I recently downloaded and completed my first eBook, The Help, and let me tell you, if you’ve had any apprehension to giving up your physical paperbacks, and aren’t interested in toting around additional devices–eBooks on your Android mobile will rawk your socks off!! Navigation is extremely easy, turning a page is as simple as a swipe across your screen, and the text/font is totally readable. There’s also no need for bookmarks or dog-earing pages, if you close out of the app, and reopen it, it picks up right where you left off. I read 512 pages with complete ease…and now I don’t know that I’ll ever buy another ‘real’ book! Digital scholar in the houuuuuse–that throwback reference was for my 501 wearers 🙂

In case you’re interested:

App: Google eBooks
Developer: Google
Cost: Free

I can’t forget to mention that Google Books syncs to your Gmail account! What a wondrous idea that was. If you get it on your device, you can pick up where you left off on your tablet or PC with ease.

So what do you all think? Can you see yourself reading an entire book on your mobile phone? Or have you already? If so what books do you recommend we must read? Comments, welcome!