
ROM – @runuh Virtuous Fusion MT4G v1.0.9 for HTC Glacier/T-Mobile myTouch 4G

eViL_D has released an update to Virtuous Fusion MT4G v1.0.9. The latest version is now v1.0.9.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Glacier/T-Mobile myTouch 4G

Untitled document


Rosie by Krzysiec (ALL widgets should look centered and normal (no more transparency either)
Calendar with 7 day view in month (thx Rsotbiemrptson)
Weather with better 3 day view (thx Rsotbiemrptson)
Added 4 skins, 3 from HTC Hub (thx eyespunker for Painting the World & Burgandy)
HTC Mail updated (kanged from JoelZ9614`s Uber Kingdom)
HTC Mail widget working (kanged from JoelZ9614`s Uber Kingdom)
Switched back to HTC Music (graphics are off still)
Updated USB Menu from Jack_R1
Removed some HTC IQ files (thanks for the tip eyespunker & biffa for the mod)
Build.prop change to hxpa = 2 (I personally don`t think it matters as the 4g can do 3)

Moved all themes to /data (because of the size of 1.0.8, some users on 1.0.8 might have had weird issues due to not enough /system space)
Kernel updated – removed all debugging

Head over to eViL_D’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.