• Rumor
  • 27 December, 2011

[Rumor] Samsung should bring their ‘A’ game to MWC with the Galaxy S III

Rumors and speculation of new devices can get a little hairy at times. I think it is late enough in the year and close enough to Mobile World Congress to toss out a little hope though. Last year at MWC Samsung showed off the Galaxy S II. It, of course, was a huge hit and continues to be around the world. Here in the states they only made it available a short time ago. That seems to always be the case with great devices. Even the Galaxy Nexus was late to launch stateside. If Samsung plans to keep on top of the Android world as they have over the last 2 years than the mythical Galaxy S III and a MWC showing would do the trick yet again.

The latest supposed details of what the SGSIII will have are nothing short of amazing sounding. It is all still hearsay at this point but some of the latest offerings seem a bit more logical and doable than previous specs. The rumor is the same 4.65″ 720p Super AMOLED screen found in the Galaxy Nexus, a 1.8Ghz dual-core processor and 2GB of RAM. There is also talk of a 12MP camera. With the exception of the RAM, it sounds like it could easily be a real device. It should be running Ice Cream Sandwich, but it is still a little early to know at this point. Most likely it will be the 2.3.7 with another Touch-Wiz overlay with an ICS update to follow shortly after.

I know many were hoping for a quad-core from sammy, but I think their quad-core Exynos is still a ways off from being ready for mass consumption in their next device. As we get closer to February and MWC, I hope we start to see more concrete evidence of the next Galaxy device. I know we will be keeping a close eye on it.

Source: ETNews via AndroidCommunity