
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 commercial finds a home on YouTube

There has been a lot of talk floating around about what Samsung will be announcing on August 15th. Everyone thinks the Galaxy Note 2 is slated to be unveiled. While that is possible, we are leaning towards the official release and availability of the Galaxy Note 10.1. Why you ask? Simple because the email that was sent out to hold the date for the press came from Samsung Electronics America, not Samsung Telecommunications America. Leading us to think more of a tablet announcement instead of a phone announcement. The Note 2 should definitely be a phone not a tablet.

The Galaxy Note 10.1 first made its appearance at Mobile World Congress but has since been a little hidden from the mainstream. While there are pre-orders underway for the device, an official launch date and full location availability is still missing.  The latest little bit comes from STEPMGMT YouTube channel. It is a quick little 30 second commercial showing how the Note 10.1 would fit nicely into the business world. Take a look and let us know what you think about it.