
Samsung officially launches the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini with proportionally shrunk Specs

samsung galaxy s5 miniWith the release of the Samsung Galaxy S5 earlier this year, we knew it would only be a matter of time before Samsung announced a Mini version of its newest flagship. Sure enough, Samsung has today announced the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, a device which shrinks the S5’s 5.1-inch display to a 4.5-inch 720p one. Unfortunately, any hope of Samsung going the route of the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and keeping the S5 Mini’s specs in line with its bigger brother were always slim, and predictably, the specs have shrunk along with the screen size.

samsung galaxy s5 miniThe S5 Mini is powered by an unspecified processor clocked at 1.4GHz, 1.5GB RAM, 16GB storage with microSD expansion, a 2,100mAh battery, and will be running Android 4.4. Cameras include a 2.1MP front camera with a 8MP rear companion, and the S5 Mini has been graced with the benefit of an IP67 water and dust resistance rating. Perhaps intriguingly, the S5 Mini will be LTE capable, which puts it right in the crosshairs of the Motorola Moto G LTE. In fact, barring a slight bump in RAM, the S5 Mini mirrors the Moto G LTE pound for pound, so it will be interesting if Samsung can price the S5 Mini aggressively enough to challenge what is still one of the most popular and best value mid-range phones on the market. Available in Charcoal Black, Shimmery White, Electric Blue and Copper Gold, Samsung is saying that the S5 Mini will be available in July, starting in Russia and gradually rolling out globally.

What do you think about the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini? Is it your cup of tea? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Samsung Tomorrow