
Samsung Promotions has a new offer that pays your monthly payments until 2016

Samsung really wants you to buy one of their phones. Last month, we saw Samsung’s attempts to steal iPhone users away from Apple with the Samsung Ultimate Test Drive, and now Samsung Promotions has back with another deal that still tries to steal iPhones users, but also users from other Android manufacturers as well. The deal is that if you buy a Samsung device – namely a 2015 flagship device – on a installment plan with one of T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon or US Cellular, Samsung will cover the monthly repayment for that Samsung device until 2016 – i.e. for the next three months. The deal gets even sweeter if you’re changing over from an iPhone as Samsung will let you register your outgoing iPhone to get $100 Google Play credit.

Samsung PromotionsWe haven’t had a chance to take a look at the terms and conditions of the deal, nor do we know why AT&T isn’t available in this promotion, but it sounds like a pretty good deal if you’ve been sitting on the fence of a Samsung device purchase recently – it goes without saying that this deal is available in the US only. It seems that Samsung’s really paid attention to the latest surveys that have detailed the migration of Android users to iOS recently, and it’s clear that Android manufacturers should be doing a better job of trying to stop this rather than letting their hardware speak for itself.

What do you think about this latest Samsung Promotions offer? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Samsung Promotions via Droid-life