
SAS Survival Guide: Keeping you alive in any Situation

There are a lot of things your Android device can do for you. Save you money with valuable coupons, keep you entertained with movies and books, help you navigate the streets of New York and even help save your life. There are quite a few applications on the market that can help teach you basic survival techniques. I see nothing wrong with that at all. I have been camping with people who can’t even start or maintain a fire. I have watched others struggle to make a grilled cheese sandwich with a stick. It is a sad sight to see. Basic survival skills are a requirement. You never know when something might go wrong in your perfect little life and you have to be able to adapt to your surrounds.

The best survivalist always carry key elements with them at all times. The novice survivalist should at least be carrying this app with them at all times. The SAS Survival Guide was originally written by John “Lofty” Wiseman. He is a former SAS soldier and instructor on survival. The book is available for purchase and has sold over a million copies. The application has been hugely successful on iOS and now has been brought to Android.

This app includes :

* Full text of the bestselling book optimized for the Android (over 400 pages)
* Free download of 16 videos providing invaluable survival tips from Lofty himself
* Photo galleries of edible, medicinal and poisonous plants
* Morse Code signalling device
* 100+ question quiz to test if you’ve got what it takes to survive
* Survival Checklists
* Sun Compass
* Search tool to scan entire book by subject
* Extreme Climate Survival: Sections on surviving Polar, Desert, Tropical, and Sea
* Comprehensive First Aid section

This app is the all-inclusive survival kit for the tech junkie. It won’t start a fire for you, but it can definitely help you out if you ever find yourself in a pinch. I know I have used some of the various techniques while at the beach and camping just because they work. Never hurts to know how long to boil water or find edibles when lost.

The SAS Survival Guide comes in two versions. The lite version is free and offers you just the basics. Topics like Essentials for survival, Survival kits, water, fire and Signals and Codes. Some of which may seem silly now, but not so silly when you need them.

Application: SAS Survival Guide
Cost: FREE

The full version will set you back $5.99, but includes the whole guide with access to all the embedded videos and other various perks to help you out. Be prepared for a grip of data though. The app slides in at 47mb. App size and price shouldn’t detour you from picking it up though.

Application: SAS Survival Guide
Cost: $5.99

You can find more information at SAS Survival Guide.