
Science! Charging your device wirelessly from across the room may soon be a Reality

Charging your device wirelessly from across the roomWireless charging has so far only been a novelty rather than a convenience in the mobile world, though it can be said that it’s far easier to simply place your phone on a charging plate rather than rummaging for a cable tip. So far, we have been tethered to the charging plate, literally and figuratively, but some clever folks at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology may have found a way of charging your device wirelessly from across the room.

Charging your device wirelessly from across the roomUsing a technology called the Dipole Coil Resonant System (DCRS), the system is able to not only charge one mobile phone from 15 feet away, but up to 40 different mobile devices simultaneously. The use of magnetic fields even allows the system to power TVs and laptops from a distance, though understandably due to the physics of magnetic fields, the strength and efficiency of the powering capabilities decreases with distance. While the progress of this research is exciting, commercial implementation of this is still a while away due to several glaring side-effects. One known side-effect is the fact that credit cards will have their information wiped every time they enter the magnetic field and it’s also unknown what kind of effect a magnetic field of this magnitude would have over a long period of time on humans and animals. Good thing I bought a pair of lead plated underwear then…

Still, it’s incredible to imagine just entering a room and having your phone charged while you are within it, whether it’s your own house or a coffee shop; the possibilities are limitless. What do you think about being able to charge your device simply by being in a designated area? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: EurekAlert via Phone Arena