
Sprint Announces “4G” Tablets in 2011

Sprint says “4G” Tablets coming in 2011

Paget Alves, Sprint’s President of Business Markets, said in an interview that business customers are especially interested in tablets.  “The adoption rate for tablets in the business sector is much, much faster than we expected,” he said.  Generally business users are the type who would benefit from the lower weight and could use portability that a tablet could bring.  Alves noted the strong interest from CIO’s (Chief Information Officers) in outfitting their workforce with tablets.

Unfortunately there was no talk about which manufacturer or Operating System they might offer.  There are any number of tablets being designed, Intel recently stated that manufacturers have chosen Intel processors for 35 different models.  This leaves a huge question mark for Android users.  Android is a natural fit considering the Epic and Evo are both 4G phones, and have proven to be hugely popular for Sprint.  Yet there are so many tablets rumored to be in the design or test phase that it could be the RIM playbook or even a Windows tablet.  I guess only time will tell.

Interesting side note on “4G”

From the Forbes article….

The trend of branding all fast networks 4G will “eventually backfire,” Alves added. “Throwing around that term will make it less meaningful,” he said. “Then it will be more about delivering what people expect from a ‘4G’ experience.”

source:  Reuters and Thedroidguy via Forbes