
Swipe right on this: Fallout Shelter is on Tinder

Among the wackiest of marketing campaigns, this one must be close to taking the cake. In an attempt to market its latest game, Fallout Shelter is on Tinder, presumably to leverage the many lonely hearts that frequent the matchmaking app – it’s a pretty crazy idea, but you can kind of see how it might work. The account is genuinely official, started by Bethesda presumably using the Android release of the game as a springboard for more advertising.

Fallout Shelter is on Tinder

Yes, we know, it’s an iPhone screenshot…

In case you’re not on board with the Fallout Shelter craze yet (and you’re not on Tinder), the game is a 2D management simulation that sees you take control of a Vault, protecting your citizens from nuclear warfare in the Fallout universe. The game was extremely popular on the Apple App Store, rocketing to #1 in its first week there, and it’s already #3 of the Top Apps on Google Play. If that’s not enough of a rousing recommendation, then I’m not sure what will turn you. If you are interested, we’ve included the Play Store link to Fallout Shelter below:

Source: Kotaku via VG247