
T-Mobile bumps the Mobile HotSpot data to 7GB’s on the unlimited plans

T-Mobile has one of the best mobile price offerings in wireless at the moment. Assuming you only need 2-line of service anyways. For $100 you get unlimited talk, text and data for both lines. When the plan launched users also received 5GB’s of Mobile HotSpot data per-line. Essentially that let you tether your device to your tablet, laptop or anything else for 5GB’s worth of data. If both phones were at your disposal for this use you could feasibly snag 10GB’s of data off your account. The plan is certainly pretty sweet, but now it is getting a little sweeter. The un-carrier is upping its game a little on those unlimited plans, not just the 2-lines, but also the single line variant, and have tossed an additional 2GB’s of Mobile HotSpot data your way.

T-Mobile Unlimited 2GB more

That bumps the total to a pretty sizable 7GB’s of data to use outside of your device. Imagine if you took them up on the LG G PadF 8.0 free tablet offer too. That would give the tablet 5GB’s on its own, and then you could pull another 7GB’s from your phone too. Just tossing out some ideas for ya’ll. Best part, you don’t have to change your plan or call customer care to get the additional data. A spokesperson told fierce Wireless that all active accounts on the unlimited plans have been given the additional data.

“Yes, we’ve enabled Mobile HotSpot benefits on all active data plans,” a T-Mobile spokesman told FierceWireless. “The improvements we’ve made to our data plans make our rate plans even simpler. Now you can use your paid 4G LTE data however you choose–between your smartphone and for other devices with tethering. When you reach your paid data allotment, your speeds will be reduced, not capped, so you never worry about overages.”

T-Mobile Data Mobile Hotspot Increase

I headed into my personal account to check it out and, as you can see above, I have 7GB’s of Mobile HotSpots service available to use at will. So, get to tethering and enjoy the extra data.

Source: T-Mobile Via Droid-Life | Fierce Wireless