
T-Mobile Planning on HotSpot Plan for a Limited Time. Its on the Hush Hush Though

Many of us already have our devices rooted and are able to tether our phones to any desktop, laptop, tablet, or even someone’s phone to use our data signal. Carriers really do not like that ability to some “hot spotting”  for free, so they do offer the HotSpot service for a few pennies out of your pocket.

Well it looks like T-Mobile is going to add their HotSpot feature to premium plans for limited time but they are not really going to exactly promote it. This is all suppose to be launched on January 25th and according to this report from a T-mobile ninja at Tmonews, T-Mobile will launch a premium 5gb data plan and an ultra 10gb data plan. These two  new plans will bundle T-Mobile hotspot and Mobile Life Album Plus services for free. There is the word we love…FREE.

So why the hush-hush about all this? It seems that T-Mobile does not want this to effect their revenue. They do not want customers who already have an existing 5 GB data plan to get a new 5 GB data plan without adding to their services, just to get the HotSpot for free. Oh like anyone would do that, right?

I think this is a good idea for T-Mobile. Ever since the merger debacle, they need to show their customers they are here for us and are not going anywhere. So for those of you that have not rooted your phone and want to get some of that free HotSpot awesomeness, this will be the plan for you.

Source: The Droid Guy