• News
  • 1 November, 2010

The Android Patent War Continues: Apple Sues Motorola Over Android

I am calling this one the Android Patent Wars: Episode … I lost count! Starring Android, Motorola and featuring Apple (from the other side). The software patent wars keeps getting darker by the day. Apple has now filed a patent infringement complaint against Motorola.

The complaint accuses Motorola’s DROID X and DROID 2 phones of infringing on Apple’s patented multi-touch technology. You can call this episode the ‘iPhone 4 maker strikes Back.’ Quite obviously, this lawsuit is in response to Motorola’s lawsuit claiming Apple infringes upon Motorola’s patents.

Microsoft got in on the Android-suing action earlier this month, suing Motorola for violating 9 patents related to technologies in its Android handsets. Apple now is seeking damages and wants the court to halt Motorola from selling its Droid phones.

Details of Apple’s lawsuits can be found HERE.

Jeez! When does this end? Truth is, as long as we continue to innovate we can expect to see more episodes of the software patent wars. How do we expect to nurture innovation while such anti-innovative laws are put in place to hinder this?

Well if you are not innovating then you are imitating. Why can’t innovators and imitators just get along?

Speaking of Patent Wars, take a look at this skit. Darth Vader Calls About His iPhone 4.

Source: eWeek