• News
  • 3 November, 2010

The Ipad is NOT Mobile – Mark Zuckerberg

By now we’ve all heard about the new and exciting Facebook phone.. .I mean facebook mobile strategy. Just for clairifcations sake NO DEVICE was announced at the Facebook Press Event today.

In an article earlier today AndroidStory’s Alex Smith, highlighted some of the features that were coming to the newest version of Facebook for Android, added to the Android Market almost immediately after the press conference. However no one has reported on one of the most exciting pieces of news to come out of California today, and that is “The Ipad is Not Mobile”

At the press event today Facebook’s celebrity CEO, Mark Zuckerberg (he’s the CEO B*tch), highlighted features and mobile integration for the Android OS and Iphone OS however absent from his presentation was the “Ipad”. When confronted by reporters about this 10″ omission Zuckerberg replied “The Ipad is Not Mobile”

Wby is this significant to me? First off, if the Ipad is not mobile and more of a computer, like Zuckerberg insists, than the IOS vs Android OS sales figures are skewed. Steve Jobs always throws Ipod touch and Ipad into his numbers to dispute Android’s rising growth.

Secondly, it further vindicates the fact that a 10″ tablet is just too big. A tablet was designed to take the place of a yellow pad. Spend a day with your parents, or possibly your grandparents ask them about work and tools 20 years ago. I remember going into my father’s office and finding stacks of yellow pads. He would write notes in these yellow pads while standing with a pencil or pen in another hand. That’ s the fundamental piece to the word “pad” or “tablet” in these devices. Have you ever tried to stand and write one handed on an Ipad?

I’m sure that Steve Jobs has called a secret meeting of his top PR people to rebutt Zuckerberg’s statement. It was reported late last October that Jobs and Zuckerberg dined together, perhaps Mark told him then…