
The most accurate touchscreen on a mobile is….

The guys over at Moto Development Group have done a few tests to find out which mobile out on the market right now has the “best” touchscreen. At first their tests were all done using a human touch and critics came back with the argument that a finger was not actually the best way to test a screen. What does Moto do? They use a robot to simulate the tests and post the results.

Out of all the devices tested, three were Android, one was running each of WebOS, BlackBerry OS, and iPhone OS. Take note that of the three Android devices two of them were manufactured by HTC. The Droid Eris and Nexus One both came reasonably close when it came to the tests and the results,  with the Nexus One fairing slightly better. Up next was the Palm Pre. The test showed that the screen often dropped out and lost signal with the stylus and also had waviness within the line test. The BlackBerry Storm 2 did the worst on the test and looked as though the stylus was jumping up, down and all around on the screen. Apple’s iPhone did manage to take the rest by far when it came to accuracy and the line test but at the edges it was hard to determine where exactly it was to be pointing.

All the devices were tested using a 7mm “finger” as well as a 4mm “finger” and used different density touches also. More information and results of the test can be found on Gizmodo. Be sure to check out the video as well to see exactly how the tests were done.

Source: Gizmodo