
[TOOL] Android Customization Suite

ACS is a program to complement your ROM. It is able to produce a CWM flashable zip with apps your ROM might be missing. ACS uses “repositories” to allow the user to choose what he (or she) may want. A repository is fairly simple to setup (and upkeep) for a developer, modder, or themer. Whenever a developer updates their repo, the user will see the change next time they fire ACS up.

You as the user, can go through the different repositories, and add a modem, a couple utility apps you might want, and maybe a theme for your ROM. The program will do all the hard work and make a single flashable zip for you!

Developers: You can either provide ready-made flashable zips (the app will just download them) or a list of files to be downloaded & zipped up. The repos are pretty easy to setup & I have a little PDF file that explains the format & things it can do. Plus I am almost always reachable via xda or gtalk. Another useful feature is that ACS can quickly generate an empty flashable zip for you. If you look in the options, there are check boxes there, just check where you want to place the files and click generate!

[This article was put together by the developer birgertime. I did not download or use this app.]

[We support development, and development only succeeds when the community helps, developers can only catch so many issues themselves. Feedback is highly encouraged.]

Author and Developer: Roman or birgertime on XDA

Development and Download: ACS 1.2.3