
Having trouble converting from iOS? iOS 8 Launcher HD Retina Theme will help you feel at Home

iOS 8 Launcher HD Retina ThemeMentioning iOS on an Android blog can often result in a messy affair, but the truth of the matter is that many people converting to Android often come from iOS. For these people, the new and free world of Android awaits them, but even the homescreen can seem a little daunting. If you are one of these people, and you’re hoping to find something a little more familiar to work with, iOS 8 Launcher HD Retina Theme may be the app you are looking for. As the name of the app suggests, installing the app will act the same way as a custom launcher and will replace your homescreen with one that replicates one that you would see on an iOS device.

iOS 8 Launcher HD Retina ThemeThis obviously isn’t an app for the Android enthusiast; it’s very low on customization features compared to something like Nova Launcher, but there are preset themes that you can choose from. I’ve briefly tried the app (sacrilege, I know), and I can’t say it’s the smoothest launcher I’ve ever tried, but it does the job and looks the part. The icons look a bit low res on my 5.5-inch screen too, and I would have liked to see the option to use custom icons. That said, customization isn’t really the point of the iOS 8 Launcher, so if this is something you would like to help you ease into the Android world, you can download the app at the links below.

Have you recently converted from iOS to Android? How are you finding it so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.