• News
  • 26 October, 2010

Unbelievable, Android Community Ups the Beanies for Boobies Bid to $1000

The Android community is one amazing group of people.  TalkAndroid has been pushing the @Kmobs Breast Cancer Fundraising Auction or Beanies for Boobies as it’s been called on eBay.  The bids have been going  up and up and more and more prize donations have been coming from all over. Tonight, tdrevolution and wootroot donated an amazing new T-Mobile myTouch 4G to the cause and AndroidStory has donated a nio security tag along with the existing prizes already promised.

John, a member of the Android community, and his fiancée placed a bid for an amazing $1000 on eBay.  Can it be beat! We’d like to think so.  Head over to eBay now and check out the latest bid,  and if you dare to raise the dollars you’d get a one big amount of gratitude from everyone in the community.

Awesome job guys!