
[Video] Chameleon Launcher adds G+ and Google Calander widgets plus teases v1.1 update with Android Widget Support

A lot of you out there supported Chameleon Launcher when it was a Kickstarter. The app looked amazing, gave us all a plethora of new settings and abilities and looks pretty darn great. It hasn’t been a super easy road for them once they got the Beta version out to their supporters and then the actual release out to the public. Since the release of Version 1.0, the Chameleon team has been hard at work fixing things and adding things to make the launcher even better. After all, what good is putting out a great base app if you don’t expand it?

Yesterday, those of you still rocking the launcher, should have received a notification the a Google+ widget became available.


The Google+ widget was made available to everyone yesterday. Chameleon would have displayed a notification that the Google+ widget had been added – if you have not seen that, or you don’t have Google+ in your list of widget, force close and restart Chameleon and it should appear (you shouldn’t have to do that, but if you don’t like the waiting game you can force it).

The Google+ widget uses the available API from Google and with that, whatever it allows us to do. Currently the Google+ API has a lot of restrictions and we have put everything into the widget that it will allow. We are only able to display your ‘public’ posts, as well as search query feeds. The Google+ API currently does not give us access to your ‘All Circles’ feed, or any of your non public circle feeds. We were disappointed about this as well. When Google opens up more access to Google+, we will add in more features.

That is all well and good, and we know the G+ API is still pretty limited. Hopefully Google will let that open up a bit more soon so we can use it else where if we choose. Just a little while another notification should have popped up letting you know that there is now a Google Calendar widget.

Google Calendar

The Google Calendar widget was made live just a little while ago. Again, you should have seen a Chameleon notification saying that the Google Calendar widget had been added.

The calendar widget currently relies on the Google Calendar web service and will pull any calendar that you have up there  (though not shared calendars). For now. Once Chameleon v1.1 goes live, with the addition of a lot of new API services, the widget will be able to pull content from your device’s local Calendar App. The next version of the calendar widget will also have some extra views like an event/agenda view as well as an all calendars view.

Things are shaping up quite nicely we think. Quite a few developers are already on board building their 3rd party widgets using the Chameleon Widget SDK and they plan to incorporate a Widget Catalogue into the launcher so that you guys can browse them and install new wonderful and useful stuff.

While we are loving how Chameleon Launcher is shaping up, there is still much more to be done. The final section of their blog entry teases us with a little information about an upcoming update to the launcher its self. Taking it to version 1.1. This will probably be one the most significant updates to the launcher that many people have been dying for. That is right, v1.1 will have full support for Android Widgets. FINALLY! It was the one major thing that every user we ever talked to desperately wanted and needed. Personally I can’t think of a single launcher out there for any phone or tablet that denies a user the ability to use widgets they already have from other apps and services. It is part of what makes android so great. They put together a nice new video that demonstrates the new inclusion. Check it out.

Still looks awesome, just now with more of the things we already used in our daily lives. No word yet on when the v1.1 update will be released, but we will keep an eye out for it. If the exclusion of all your normal widgets kept you from picking up this launcher, then you might want to reconsider the purchase soon. If you feel like grabbing the current version and playing about until the update rolls out, feel free to click or scan the QR code below.

Application: Chameleon Launcher 
Developer: Chameleon Launcher
Cost: $10.00

Catch up on the latest about Chameleon at their blog  and their G+ Page

Via Androidpolice