
Virgin Mobile Finally Rolls Out Froyo to HTC Desire

As some of you HTC Desire owners have been running Froyo for quite a while now, it looks like Virgin Mobile is finally pushing out the Android 2.2 update to their HTC Desire users.

We understand that carriers have to tinker with the update before rolling it out to their devices, but it’s the middle of November. Seems like an unusually long time to update a device, right?

HTC Desire Android 2.2 Froyo Released 11/11/10

Hi I can confirm that we’ve started sending out the Froyo update as of 9am this morning, however this is only for customers on our Virgin specific firmware (1.23.351.1). Customers on the original firmware (1.15.405.4) will need an update to the 1.23.351.1 firmware first before they can install the Froyo update, but we expect this should be available in the next few days. I’ll post another update here once it goes live.

This is an FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) update which means that you will be prompted to download the update on their handset. We strongly recommend that you use a Wi-Fi connection to download the update. You’ll be asked if you want to back up your handset first, and we recommend this as well.

Via: EuroDroid